Monday, November 15, 2010

Growing crystals and the cloud chamber

This picture was taken last year when Zilfi, Hafiz and Jaya posed with the crystals grown by 4 Gigih 2009. It took them about 6 weeks to grow the copper sulphate crystals from 3 mm size seed to this size. Every now and then they had to change the solution so that the seed remained immersed in a super saturated copper sulphate solution.

I told them they were the parents of the baby seed and they had to make sure their babies got fed ( the milk was the super saturated solution ) and then the babies would grow big. It was great to see the delight on their faces when they watched their babies grow beautiful and big!
Translate this principle to cloud seeding. Ever wonder why when a plane flies, it leaves cloud like tracks behind it?
That's because the ions in the exhaust gas of the plane acts as seeds for the super saturated water vapour to condense upon.
Now connect this to the Wilson Cloud chamber to detect radioactve sources.
The pic shows a cloud chamber diagram. The radioactive source creates ions which acts as the seeds for the super saturated water vapour to condense on and mini cloud tracks are created
Hope this creates some connection and understanding.

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